Upgrading a trailer chassis from a S355 (grade 50) grade to Strenx® 700MC (Strenx® 110 XF) typically generates a weight reduction of about 30% for the chassis structural parts. However, depending on the chassis design, the weight reduction potential may be even higher, up to 50%. As an example, we have calculated the potential weight reduction of an existing 13.75-meter-long trailer main beam produced from a S355 (grade 50) steel grade by introducing Strenx® 700MC. The load-carrying capacity of the existing design has been determined and a matching alternative in Strenx® 700MC is suggested in the illustration and table below.

The total weight of the original main members manufactured from conventional steel is 1,085 kg, and the total weight of the upgraded alternative in Strenx® 700MC is 704 kg. This gives a weight re-duction of 381 kg, or 35.2%. These results should be considered as an example. Depending on the type of vehicle, specific requirements and design details, the upgrading potential may be less or greater compared to our example. The calculations only consider static load-carrying capacity, but serve as a good starting point in developing a lightweight chassis design.

The main beams of a conventionally designed trailer chassis have limitations in using a strength higher than Strenx® 700MC for structural strength. Exploring other chassis concepts is necessary to truly benefit from higher strength. For certain special trailers, however, higher grades like Strenx® 960 may make an appropriate choice. For flanges or profiles that are susceptible to wear or dents, such as the rear bumper, a higher strength steel like Strenx® 1100 or a wear-resistant steel like Hardox® 450 can be specified. For other parts of the chassis, such as floor members, cold-rolled steels like Strenx® 700 CR and Strenx® 960 CR offer significant weight reduction opportunities. These parts can be produced by bending and, for larger series, roll-forming or stamping. 


Lightweight solutions for matching load-carrying capacity and bending stiffness.
Overview of the cross-sectional properties and the weight reduction potential of a conventional main beam 1) and upgraded, lightweight alternatives 2) and 3) in Strenx® 700MC. 

1) Original design 2) Lightweight design 3) Lightweight design
Steel Grade   S355  Strenx® 700 MC  Strenx® 700 MC
Weight, m [kg/m]  42  27  30
Bending Moment Capacity, M [kNm]  286  306  369
Moment of Inertia, I [%]  100  66  100
Section Modulus, W [%]  100  64  81
Weight Reduction, WR [%]  100  36  30