Therefore, it is vital to not only thoroughly evaluate the new upgraded design, but to secure the production process. Poor weld or edge quality will rapidly decrease the service life of any trailer.

Edge quality also impacts fatigue resistance, and different cutting methods result in different edge qualities. The graph below shows the results of fatigue testing Strenx® 700MC where the plate edge has been milled, laser-cut and sheared. Laser-cut edges are often better than mechanically cut edges. To achieve good fatigue strength with mechanically cut edges, it is important to remove all visual crack-like defects. Modern thermal cutting processes like laser or high-definition plasma generally produce edges in Strenx® 700MC with good fatigue properties. The ranking of such methods from a fatigue perspective would be laser, plasma and gas-cutting. To avoid fatigue problems, it is also important to place start and stop positions in low-stress areas. Blasting of a structure with cut edges normally has a positive effect on fatigue resistance.

Results from fatigue testing Strenx® 700MC with different edge conditions.