The future of steel is interesting

The designers for civil engineering and buildings are clearly interested in the SSAB transformation to fossil-free steel and also in the latest news on SSAB steel piles. For the latest updates on both topics, Ramboll Finland requested Antti Perälä, Technology manager for SSAB Pile products, to have a speech on their yearly Geo-day.

The traditional Ramboll Finland Geo-day was held in Friday 17th May at Verkatehdas in Hämeenlinna. About 140 professionals representing geotechnical designers, design assistants and field personnel for geotechnical investigations and measurements were gathered from all over Finland to Hämeenlinna. The Geo-day is an excellent event to share best practices for colleagues normally working in several different locations.

After the opening speech for the day, Antti Perälä held a speech on the Future of steel and SSAB Pile products. SSAB ZeroTM steel, SSAB Fossil-freeTM steel, the current situation of the transformation as well as the latest news for SSAB Pile products were presented. The presentation was found interesting and several questions rose afterwards.

The fossil carbon emissions of SSAB Zero in operations are 0.0 kg CO2e per kg steel – including purchased energy (scope 1-2).


More information on RR® and RD® piles and RD® pile wall